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Closing a Protection Gap 2.0

SCEP partners involved in the project
Defence for Children-ECPAT the Netherlands (coordinator), Asylkoordination �sterreich (Austria), Bureau d'accueil et de d�fense des jeunes (Belgium), HFC "Hope For Children" UNCRC Policy Center (Cyprus), Bundesfachverband Unbegleitete Minderj�hrige Fl�chtlinge e.v. (Germany), Irish Refugee Council Ltd., Conselho Portugu�s para os Refugiados (Portugal), Slovenska filantropija (Slovenia).

December 2012 � December 2014�


Project Description
During the first Closing a Protection Gap project, the Core Standards for Guardians of Separated Children were developed. The objective of this follow-up project is to work with the Core Standards in practice and work towards policy and legislative initiatives at national and European level to provide the strongly needed framework for responsibilities of guardianship systems in order for all separated children in Europe to get the protection they are entitled to. Existing challenges will be analysed with input from workshops with separated children and guardians, and national and European policy and legislative changes will be advocated during expert meetings and consultations with for example Members of the European Parliament. �

More information
For more information�please contact the project coordinator, Defence for Children-the Netherlands, Martine Goeman,

Separated Children in Europe Programme (SCEP) - coordinated by Defence for Children The Netherlands - PO BOX 11103 - 2301 EC - Leiden - 0031 (0)71 516 09 80 -